One of the biggest decisions when purchasing a vacuum cleaner is whether you buy a bag or bagless vacuum cleaner.
Take a moment to think whether the vacuum cleaner is actually cleaning or harbouring potential health risks and is it going to cost you more than its worth in the long run.

Why select a filter bag vacuum?
• Hygienic dirt disposal
• Hygienic allergen disposal for asthmatics and eczema sufferers (SEBO are Sensitive Choice Approved)
• Another level of filtration
• No dust blow back upon disposal when sealed
• No washing of debris collector
• User friendly
• Could extend the life of your motor
Researcher Jason Sercombe from the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research said in a study published in International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, February 2007, “Overseas studies have found that vacuum cleaners with two or three layer bags performed better than those with a single layer bag”.

Why not to select a bagless vacuum.
• They are messy to empty
• Potential dust blow back upon emptying increasing the risk of respiratory problems especially those who have asthma
• Hard to clean with dust lodging into tiny crevices
• Ongoing time and cost of washing filters (if not cleaned properly can lead to rapid clogging and eventually motor burn out)
• Increased chance of filter clogging due to lack of pre-filter barrier such as a vacuum bag.
Sometimes an efficient filter bagged vacuum cleaner may cost a little more to buy, but it will soon pay for itself in reduced consumable items, energy bills (based on – low wattage with good air flow, agitation, etc.), low back problems (correct vacuum cleaner for the application) and the replacing of non consumable parts such as a “burnt out” motor.
See which SEBO Residential vacuum is right for you here
See which SEBO Commercial vacuum is right for your operators and premise here